Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chapter 18 - The Conquest of Canaan

J and E traditions edited and embellished by P. Now comes D: from the entrance into Canaan to the fall to the Babylonians.

"...biblical practice of faithfully reproducing the sources even when they contradict the editor's viewpoint."

National Pride, Deuteronomic theology (danger of syncretism or "blending of traditions", blessing-fall-repentance-restoration cycle),
Joshua the hero (suitable successor to Moses)

To obey the law is to prosper, to disobey the law will result in failure and bad times.

Corporate guilt (Achan) and later individual responsibility

YHWH against other peoples - causing hailstones to fall and kill more than the Israelistes. We hear modern preachers attributing death and destruction to God. The tradition continues.

"The cities, vineyards, fields, and crops - these represent Israel's inheritance; they are for her use" <- explains a lot of what happened in the 2nd half of the 20th century!!!

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