Monday, February 1, 2010

Chapter 19 - The Judges

A tribal confederacy...

Israel's faithlessness to the covenant with YHWH produces evil times and disaster.

D was more a theologian using historical events to illustrate a theology than a historian deriving theological insights from the study of history.

Sin > punishment > repentance > deliverance > sin > punishment > repentance > deliverance > ...

I can't help but think about modern Israel and their military and ruthless treatment of the Palestinians as I read the stories of fighting and conquer in this chapter. Does the modern Israelite see himself or herself and waging a war against the Canaanites in the name of YHWH? How wonderful... NOT!

Favorite theme: YHWH chooses one of the weakest in Israel to confound the mighty oppressor.

YHWH orders Gideon to tear down the Baalite altar and to offer sacrifice to YHWH... wonder if the modern Israelite would like to tear down Allah altars.

(Can you tell that I am in an anti-Israeli mode right now? It happens...)

"Gideon is also set on blood revenge" <- wonderful! Can we skip to the New Testament now please?

Kingship is a betrayal of YHWH, eh? How much that will change in the years to come.

"As often happens in early Israel's popular narration of history, the one who speaks wisely, when YHWH's rule is at stake, is a woman." <- I like this.

Can't you image the Hebrews sitting around the fire telling these stories over and over again. Instead of radio or TV they probably told these stories, eh?

Wish we could hear the stories as they were before the Deuteronomist's editing. "One should probably omit..."

Still enjoy the story of Samson - image it told around a good fire some night.

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