Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 25 - Elijah and Elisha

...brought to Judah by Israelites fleeing from the Assyrians.

Micaiah - oracle (inquire) "religious sanction for a political move"


Elijah, ranked second only to Moses.

YHWH is to come to the people to reclaim them, to establish himself as God and to turn their hearts back (repentance).

Elijah and Fire.

Elisha as Elijah's successor.

YHWH reaching outside of Judah and Israel to other nations: Syria.

Elijah & Elisha: prophets of the 9th century
Amos & Hosea: prophets of the 8th century

Hmmm... I expected more from a chapter about these two guys. I confess I am disappointed.

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