Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chapter 22 - Saul and David

Northern tribes: Saul (Benjamin)
Southern tribes: David (Judah)

(David & Saul) Least of the sons...

God picks David because of his heart but then it didn't hurt that David was ruddy, had beautiful eyes, and was handsome...

Jesus is suppose to be a descendant of the house of David.

Sometimes I get tired of the "this version says this and that version says that and we are not sure what it all means" repetition in the Old Testament.

It seems to come down to, if you were of this tribe you told this story and it was favorable story but if you were from that tribe you told that story and it was unfavorable and it is all suppose to be the story of the people of God?

The stories of the peoples of God appear to tell us that the peoples of God could never agree on much.

There are some good stories though... the conflict between Jonathan and Saul caused by their relationship with David. Jonathan is "throwing away" his inheritance (the throne) because of his love of David.

Isn't it rather presumptuous to believe that YHWH wanted this event or anointed that person?

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