Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 15 - Law in the Old Testament

Clean/Unclean is related to holiness - holiness because everything belongs to YHWH

Law developed between 1250 BCE - 538 BCE all attributed to Moses (from God through Moses)

Apodictic - You shall/shall not
Casuistic - When... if... then... (cases)

Let the punishment fit the crime

Love you neighbor - love is to be loyal to (not emotional and regardless of emotions)

The Decalogue

You shall not steal... another person! be sold into slavery! Wow...

Even as the Israelites take over feasts drawn from Canaanite agricultural rites...
As so the Christians took feasts (or traditions) from Pagans over the years.
I find this behavior enchanting, wonderful, and positive.

Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. This is a good chapter. Good history and explanations.

(my current approach is to provide those words, term, ideas that caught my attention and made me think or wonder)

Chapter 14 - From Egypt to Sinai

The Passover
Reflections on the Passover
Deliverance through the sea
The journey to Mount Sinai

Chapter 13 - Moses and the Pharaoh

Moses in Midian
The Flight
The Call of Moses
Moses returns to Egypt
The contest between Moses and Pharaoh
The first meeting
The plagues

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chapter 12 - The Exodus and the settlement of Canaan

This chapter gives a brief and high-level overview of the Moses stories. This runs from the beginning of Exodus through Deuteronomy. The second part of this chapter is very interesting. Historical evidence related to what really happened in that part of the world at that time is presented. It's wonderful to read how what may have really happened has been merged with the story of God and God's people.

This is a first attempt at sharing a reading assignment through my blog. I need to work on this process. It is not coming naturally yet.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

First post

I am currently enrolled in an EfM (Education for Ministry) class. Follow the link for more information about the class. We meet weekly to discuss our reading assignments. As I will be away (overseas) for the first six months of 2010 I am creating this blog to record my reactions, impressions, reflections as I work through the EfM materials.